Dual 18A or Single 36A Output
Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 15V
Ausgangsspannungsbereich: 0,6V bis 1,8V
±1.5% Maximum Total DC Output Error Over Line, Load and Temperature Differential Remote Sense Amplifier
Steuerung im Strommodus/schnelles Einschwingverhalten
Adjustable Switching Frequency
Überstromschutz (Foldback)
Multiphase Parallel Current Sharing with Multiple LTM4630s Up to 144A Frequency Synchronization
Interner Temperaturmonitor
Pin Compatible with the LTM4620 and LTM4620A (Dual 13A, Single 26A) and LTM4628 (Dual 8A, Single 16A)
Wählbarer Burst Mode® Betrieb
Überspannungsschutz am Ausgang
16mm × 16mm × 4.41mm LGA and 16mm × 16mm × 5.01mm BGA Packages
Telekommunikations- und Netzwerkausrüstung
Lagerung und ATCA-Karten
Industrielle Ausrüstung
The LTM®4630 is a dual 18A or single 36A output switching mode step-down DC/DC µModule® (micromodule) regula tor. Included in the package are the switching controllers, power FETs, inductors, and all supporting components. Operating from an input voltage range of 4.5V to 15V, the LTM4630 supports two outputs each with an output voltage range of 0.6V to 1.8V, each set by a single external resistor. Its high efficiency design delivers up to 18A continuous current for each output. Only a few input and output ca pacitors are needed. The LTM4630 is pin compatible with the LTM4620 and LTM4620A (dual 13A, single 26A) and the LTM4628 (dual 8A, single 16A).
The device supports frequency synchronization, multi phase operation, Burst Mode operation and output voltage tracking for supply rail sequencing and has an onboard temperature diode for device temperature monitoring. High switching frequency and a current mode architecture enable a very fast transient response to line and load changes without sacrificing stability.
Fault protection features include overvoltage and overcurrent protection. The LTM4630 is offered in 16mm × 16mm × 4.41mm LGA and 16mm × 16mm × 5.01mm BGA packages. The LTM4630 is ROHS compliant.
Hinweis 1: Belastungen, die über die unter den absoluten Maximalwerten aufgeführten hinausgehen, können das Gerät dauerhaft beschädigen. Wenn Sie das Gerät über einen längeren Zeitraum den Bedingungen der absoluten Höchstwerte aussetzen, kann dies die Zuverlässigkeit und Lebensdauer des Geräts beeinträchtigen.
Note 2: The LTM4630 is tested under pulsed load conditions such that TJ ≈ TA. The LTM4630E is guaranteed to meet specifications from 0°C to 125°C internal temperature. Specifications over the –40°C to 125°C internal operating temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. The LTM4630I is guaranteed over the full –40°C to 125°C internal operating temperature range. Note that the maximum ambient temperature consistent with these specifications is determined by specific operating conditions in conjunction with board layout, the rated package thermal impedance and other environmental factors.
Note 3: Two outputs are tested separately and the same testing condition is applied to each output.
Note 4: The switching frequency is programmable from 400kHz to 750kHz.
Note 5: LTM4630 device is designed to operate from 400kHz to 750kHz.
Note 6: These parameters are tested at wafer sort.
Note 7: See output current derating curves for different VIN, VOUT and TA.
Power Module Description
The LTM4630 is a dual-output standalone nonisolated switching mode DC/DC power supply. It can provide two 18A outputs with few external input and output capacitors and setup components. This module provides precisely regulated output voltages programmable via external resistors from 0.6VDC to 1.8VDC over 4.5V to 15V input voltages. The typical application schematic is shown in Figure 23.
The LTM4630 has dual integrated constant-frequency cur rent mode regulators and built-in power MOSFET devices with fast switching speed. The typical switching frequency is 500kHz. For switching-noise sensitive applications, it can be externally synchronized from 400kHz to 780kHz. A resistor can be used to program a free run frequency on the FSET pin.