
The ADuM240D/ADuM240E/ADuM241D/ADuM241E/ADuM242D/ADuM242E1 are quad-channel digital isolators based on Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology. Combining high speed, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) and monolithic air core transformer technology, these isolation components provide outstanding performance characteristics superior to alternatives such as optocoupler devices and other integrated couplers. The maximum propagation delay is 13 ns with a pulse width distortion of less than 3 ns at 5 V operation. Channel matching is tight at 3.0 ns maximum.

The ADuM240D/ADuM240E/ADuM241D/ADuM241E/ ADuM242D/ADuM242E data channels are independent and are available in a variety of configurations with a withstand voltage rating of 5.0 kV rms (see the Ordering Guide). The devices operate with the supply voltage on either side ranging from 1.8 V to 5 V, providing compatibility with lower voltage systems as well as enabling voltage translation functionality across the isolation barrier.

Unlike other optocoupler alternatives, dc correctness is ensured in the absence of input logic transitions. Two different fail-safe options are available, by which the outputs transition to a predetermined state when the input power supply is not applied or the inputs are disabled. The ADuM240E1/ADuM241E1/ADuM242E1 are pin compatible with the ADuM2400/ ADuM2401/ADuM2402.



High common-mode transient immunity: 100 kV/μs

High robustness to radiated and conducted noise

Low propagation delay

13 ns maximum for 5 V operation

15 ns maximum for 1.8 V operation

150 Mbps maximum guaranteed data rate


UL recognition: 5000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577

CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A

VDE certificate of conformity

DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-12

VIORM = 849 V peak

8000 V peak reinforced surge isolation voltage

CQC certification per GB4943.1-2011

Backward compatibility

ADuM240E1/ADuM241E1/ADuM242E1 pin compatible with ADuM2400/ADuM2401/ADuM2402

Low dynamic power consumption

1.8 V to 5 V level translation

High temperature operation: 125°C

Fail-safe high or low options

16-lead, RoHS compliant, SOIC package

Qualified for automotive applications



General-purpose multichannel isolation

Serial peripheral interface (SPI)/data converter isolation





All typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 5 V. Minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range of 4.5 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 5.5 V, 4.5 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 5.5 V, and −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Switching specifications are tested with CL = 15 pF and CMOS signal levels, unless otherwise noted. Supply currents are specified with 50% duty cycle signals.


All typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 3.3 V. Minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range: 3.0 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 3.6 V, 3.0 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 3.6 V, and −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Switching specifications are tested with CL = 15 pF and CMOS signal levels, unless otherwise noted. Supply currents are specified with 50% duty cycle signals.


All typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 2.5 V. Minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range: 2.25 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 2.75 V, 2.25 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 2.75 V, −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Switching specifications are tested with CL = 15 pF and CMOS signal levels, unless otherwise noted. Supply currents are specified with 50% duty cycle signals.


All typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 1.8 V. Minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range: 1.7 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 1.9 V, 1.7 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 1.9 V, and −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Switching specifications are tested with CL = 15 pF and CMOS signal levels, unless otherwise noted. Supply currents are specified with 50% duty cycle signals.

For more detailed electrical specifications, please refer to pages 3 to 9 of the data sheet