The AD9753 is a dual, muxed port, ultrahigh speed, single channel, 12-bit CMOS DAC. It integrates a high quality 12-bit TxDAC+ core, a voltage reference, and digital interface circuitry into a small 48-lead LQFP package. The AD9753 offers exceptional ac and dc performance while supporting update rates up to 300 MSPS.
The AD9753 has been optimized for ultrahigh speed applications up to 300 MSPS where data rates exceed those possible on a single data interface port DAC. The digital interface consists of two buffered latches as well as control logic. These latches can be time multiplexed to the high speed DAC in several ways.
This PLL drives the DAC latch at twice the speed of the externally applied clock and is able to interleave the data from the two input channels. The resulting output data rate is twice that of the two input channels. With the PLL disabled, an external 2× clock may be supplied and divided by two internally.
The CLK inputs (CLK+/CLK–) can be driven either differentially or single-ended, with a signal swing as low as 1 V p-p.
The DAC utilizes a segmented current source architecture combined with a proprietary switching technique to reduce glitch energy and to maximize dynamic accuracy. Differential current outputs support single-ended or differential applications. The differential outputs each provide a nominal full-scale current from 2 mA to 20 mA.
The AD9753 is manufactured on an advanced low cost 0.35 µm CMOS process. It operates from a single supply of 3.0 V to 3.6 V and consumes 155 mW of power.



12-Bit Dual Muxed Port DAC
300 MSPS Output Update Rate
Excellent SFDR and IMD Performance
SFDR to Nyquist @ 25 MHz Output: 69 dB
Internal Clock Doubling PLL
Differential or Single-Ended Clock Input
On-Chip 1.2 V Reference
Single 3.3 V Supply Operation
Power Dissipation: 155 mW @ 3.3 V
48-Lead LQFP



Communications: LMDS, LMCS, MMDS
Base Stations
Digital Synthesis



1. The AD9753 is a member of a pin compatible family of high speed TxDAC+s providing 10-, 12-, and 14-bit resolution.
2. Ultrahigh Speed 300 MSPS Conversion Rate.
3. Dual 12-Bit Latched, Multiplexed Input Ports. The AD9753 features a flexible digital interface allowing high speed data conversion through either a single or dual port input.
4. Low Power. Complete CMOS DAC function operates on 155 mW from a 3.0 V to 3.6 V single supply. The DAC fullscale current can be reduced for lower power operation.
5. On-Chip Voltage Reference. The AD9753 includes a 1.20 V temperature-compensated band gap voltage reference.



Linearity Error (Also Called Integral Nonlinearity or INL)

Linearity error is defined as the maximum deviation of the actual analog output from the ideal output, determined by a straight line drawn from zero to full scale.


Differential Nonlinearity (DNL)

DNL is the measure of the variation in analog value, normalized to full scale, associated with a 1 LSB change in digital input code.



A D/A converter is monotonic if the output either increases or remains constant as the digital input increases.


Offset Error

The deviation of the output current from the ideal of zero is called offset error. For IOUTA, 0 mA output is expected when the inputs are all 0s. For IOUTB, 0 mA output is expected when all inputs are set to 1s.


Gain Error

The difference between the actual and ideal output span. The actual span is determined by the output when all inputs are set to 1s, minus the output when all inputs are set to 0s.


Output Compliance Range

The range of allowable voltage at the output of a current-output DAC. Operation beyond the maximum compliance limits may cause either output stage saturation or breakdown, resulting in nonlinear performance.


Temperature Drift

Specified as the maximum change from the ambient (25℃)value to the value at either TMIN or TMAX. For offset and gain drift, the drift is reported in ppm of full-scale range (FSR) per degree Celsius. For reference drift, the drift is reported in ppm per degree Celsius.